If you’re planning a camping trip, it is highly recommended that you How To Inflate An Air Mattress While Camping — it’s an extremely popular camping gear.

They can be a lifesaver for people who need to sleep in a tent or in an SUV — but not everyone has the means of inflating one.

Well, it’s time to stop worrying! You can find ways to inflate an air mattress through this article.

6 Ways To Inflate An Air Mattress While Camping

Air mattresses with built-in pumps are easy to assemble and slightly more durable than other models.

But even if your air mattresses don’t have a built-in pump, don’t worry because you can still inflate it through different methods.

1. Campsite Power Outlet

This is the most basic strategy.

If the camping area has electricity, you can easily plug the pump of an air mattress into a wall outlet at your campsite.

Decide on a suitable spot for the air mattress and plug it into the outlet.

As soon as you connect the pump, the air mattress will inflate.

The procedure will last a few minutes.

Remember to spread the air inside the air mattress equally by pulling on the corners.

Lastly, don’t forget to disconnect the power when you’re done.

An air mattress powered by electricity is the most efficient and is the fastest to set up.

Although expensive, it’s a favorite among luxurious campers seeking extreme convenience.

2. Electric Car Battery Air Pump 12V

Another alternative to inflating your air mattress is to buy a 12V DC battery powered pump that can simply plug into your car’s cigarette lighter.

If you’re looking for a versatile electric pump that can handle a variety of scenarios, this is a great, simple option.

However, managing this may be difficult with a larger air mattress, especially if your campsite is a long hike away from the parking lot.

3. Battery-Powered Air Pump

If other power sources are unavailable, a battery-powered air pump works well.

Instead of a generator or battery pack, it is simpler and lighter to carry one or two batteries.

Because they don’t need an electrical source, compared to an electric pump, battery-powered pumps are one of the best options out there.

Dragging the air mattress back to your tent or carrying your tent to a power source will no longer be necessary.

You can get more than one battery for your pump if you’re planning a lengthy journey.

Pumps only take the battery from their particular brand, unlike battery packs.

Examine the performance of the brand’s batteries before making a purchase.

4. Manual Pumps

There are some options available for manual air mattress pump.

The most popular of these is the bike pump.

For instance, the BV bicycle ergonomic floor pump has a gauge and a valve head.

It’s somewhat challenging to achieve a good seal between the pump and the stopper, but duct tape can help.

A hand pump functions similarly to a bike pump.

In forcing the air out, simply pump the handle up and down.

A larger pump will fill it much more quickly.

Even though it will take a while, this electricity-free method to fill the air in air mattresses is safer than others.

Foot pumps operate the same way that hand pumps do.

Except when using it, there’s no need to utilize your upper body.

Besides, medical studies show that the muscles in the legs are more effective than those in the hands.

Furthermore, foot pumps can exert more force than hand pumps.

It’s also more accurate because it frequently comes with a pressure gauge.

As you inflate your air mattress this way, It’s best to be seated.

The benefits are more than worth it, and you may be surprised by how quickly you can inflate your blow-up air mattress.

Anyone with healthy legs will be able to use this pump more effectively than a hand pump. It you have a medical issue with your legs then electric pump is best for you.

It doesn’t require any additional supplies to use, and some campers find them to be less tiring.

It’s also the best option if you need portable or compact equipment.

A manual pump will take longer to fill the blow-up mattress than an electric air pump, and at some point, you may doubt if you’re making any headway.

You should slowly fill the air mattress as long as you don’t feel the air escaping from the connection point.

Related article: How To Blow Up An Air Mattress Without a Pump (Best Tips)

5. Hair Dryer

Yes, an air mattress can be filled using a regular hair drier.

If you have one, you can get away with not using g a pump.

The only challenge you might encounter is creating a tight seal around the mattress plug and hairdryer’s end.

Although this approach can seem strange, it has advantages.

Inflate An Air with Hair Dryer

The same basic idea behind how conventional air pumps function applies to all hairdryers.

Filling an air mattress with a hairdryer is simple.

Turn on your hairdryer and put your air mattress out on the ground.

Then, use your hand or tape to seal the gap between the valve and the hairdryer end.

Once the air mattress is ready, adequately inflate it before closing it.

6. Vacuum Cleaner

Most likely, you don’t bring your heavy-duty vacuum cleaner when camping.

However, if you keep a small, handheld vacuum on hand, you will not only have the cleanest tent, but you will also be the hero when someone does not have a pump for their air mattress.

The vacuum can be used to blow air into the air mattress and fill it up.


Car campers are familiar with air mattresses, one of the simplest ways to make ground camping comfortable.

It’s easy to use, and anyone can blow up one. You now know how to inflate an air bed while camping.

Also, now you understand how to use a vacuum cleaner and a hair blower to inflate an air mattress instead of a pump.

That said, an electric air pump is still more dependable and convenient, so try your best to have those handy on camping trips.

Related article: 12 Best Air Mattresses For Cars

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